Biblical Greek Vocabulary Flashcards for android



Modern design for ease of use. Swipe to move through cards. Remembers the last stack viewed and position in each stack. Loops back to the beginning after the last word in the stack

Multiple Card Stacks

Shuffled and descending order card stacks including all Greek words with 50+ New Testament occurrences (free version) and 30+ and 15+ New Testament occurrences (pro version)


Tracks stack position relative to total words. Counts number of words reviewed in the current session. Reports current stack and sort and New Testament occurrence of the displayed word

Convenient mobile Greek vocabulary review

Flash-It Greek is an Android app available on Google Play designed to help new and continuing New Testament Greek students master and maintain their vocabulary. The free version is for beginning students and includes all Greek words with 50 or more New Testament occurrences, mirroring most introductory Greek textbooks. The pro version includes all Greek words with 30+ and 15+ occurrences. One benefit of the 30+ word stack is that it prepares students to use the Reader’s Greek New Testament , which provides English definitions for Greek words with less than 30 occurrences in the footnotes, allowing for easier and faster reading of Greek New Testament passages.

  • Flash-It Greek Free

    50+ occurrence word stacks with shuffled and descending sorts

  • Flash-It Greek Pro

    50+, 30+ and 15+ occurence word stacks with shuffled and descending sorts

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